Chalking the Door at Epiphany, 2025
'Chalking the Door at Epiphany', at Christ Church Castlebar, on Sunday 5th January.
Last weekend, at the end of each of our services, the doorposts of Turlough Church, of Holy Trinity, Westport, and of Christ Church Castlebar were each chalked, with the numerals and symbols "20+C+M+B+25", in accordance with a very old church tradition (see earlier post), and this blessing was prayed:
As the three Wise Men followed the star of God’s Son who became man,
may Christ bless our church and our homes
and remain with us through the New Year. +
Chalks were given to each person present to take and use on their own homes.
Next Sunday, 12th January, at 3pm, we will similarly chalk the doorpost at St Thomas's Dugort (Achill).
It is a simple act of witness to friends and strangers alike who cross the threshold of our church in the course of the year. It says to all who come to our door that we believe in Jesus Christ, and it reminds us that as Christians we are to be willing to offer kindness, hospitality and shelter to others, and especially to all who are seeking the Lord Jesus.
Perhaps you and your family will chalk the door of your home this year, 2025.