Images and the Meaning of the Christingle


Outside the main church door, with our Christingles,
and telling the children about the tradition of Chalking the Doorpost in Epiphany. 
(All photos shared with permission.)

The children were given the opportunity to 'go shopping' (for free!), filling gift bags with treats and a piece of chalk each to take home for the Chalking of Doorposts of their own homes, having been taught about this very old tradition and its meaning. 

20 + C + M + B + 25

The Meaning of the Christingle:
The orange stands for the world.
The sweets stand for God's many gifts to us in the world.
The red ribbon stands for the life and blood of Jesus Christ, Saviour of the World.
The candle stands for Jesus, light of the world
"The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it."

Christingle-making workshop, with Sunday Club leaders Paul, Steffi and Shirley, 
plus the children's mums, demonstrating and helping

Paul and Steffi, Youth & Children's work and Sunday Club leaders 

Proud children with finished products.

The procession around the church with the Christingles.

The children loved processing around the church to music, with their lit christingles. 

Look out for future Messy Church and Muddy Church events in the Parishes, 
and for Sunday Club and All-age services as advertised.

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