What's On: Lent, Holy Week and Easter


Lent, Holy Week and Easter 2025  

(Subject to change)


St Patrick’s Day, Monday 17 March 

- 10am Gentle Friendship St Patrick’s Day Walk and Prayers at the foot of the Croagh Patrick, meeting in Murrisk Carpark at 9.45am. All welcome.  


Wed 12, 19 and 26 March

10.30 am   Lenten Holy Communion and Reflection, St Mary’s Westport

8.00 pm      Online Prayer and Bible Reading https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82781900766?pwd=b2YEVeJHqhnprNxoLHjd5sqg492wbn.1


Confirmation Prep Session 4,  Friday 14 March, 7.45pm in the Rectory


Lenten movie night in the Rectory, Friday 21 March, 7.30pm – Chocolat  with a short study based on the Lent Course ‘Christ and the Chocolaterie’, plus refreshments, before watching the film. For planning purposes, please let Rev. Suzanne know if you plan to attend.


Palm Sunday, 13 April: The Liturgy of the Passion, with The Mark Drama which is being organised by Kenn McLaughlin, Castlebar Parish, with others from across the parishes. If you are interested in getting involved in this ‘low key’ production, please get in touch with Kenn on +353 85 715 4139. 


·      Turlough, Eve of Palm Sunday, Sat 12 April – 7pm

·      Castlebar, Sun 13 April – 10am

·      Westport in St Mary’s, Sun 13 April – 12 noon 

·      Achill – Sun 13 April, 3pm 


Monday in Holy Week, 14 April – Compline and Holy Week Reflection, 8pm in Christ Church Castlebar


Tuesday in Holy Week, 15 April – Compline and Holy Week Reflection, 8pm in the Rectory


Wednesday in Holy Week, 16 March

·      Holy Week Communion 10.30am, kindly hosted by St Mary’s Church, Westport

·      Holy Week Online Prayer and Bible Reading, 8pm

Link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82781900766?pwd=b2YEVeJHqhnprNxoLHjd5sqg492wbn.1

Meeting ID: 827 8190 0766                        Passcode: 747477


Maundy Thursday, 17 April

- Last Holy Communion before Easter, 6.30pm in St Mary’s Church, Westport. Presiding, Bishop Michael Burrows

Tenebrae, 8pm in Christ Church Castlebar, with organist Siobhan Kilkelly and musical contribution by opera singer Hubert Francis


Good Friday, 18 April

-       The Hours – 12 noon in St Mary’s Church, Westport

-       Ecumenical Good Friday Walk of Witness, Westport, 6pm     


Holy Saturday, 19 April

-       7pm in Turlough Church, All-age Easter Vigil and Easter Communion



        The Lord is Risen! Easter Day Celebrations of Holy Communion:


Christ Church Castlebar, 10am

Holy Trinity Westport, in St Mary’s, 12 noon

St Thomas’s Dugort, 3pm 


Confirmation Sunday, 27 April

Confirmations by Bishop Michael for the parishes will this year be in Christ Church Castlebar on Sunday 27 April, 10am. 


Stations of the Cross, Via Dolarosa

Photo: 2016

 Regular times:

·                Turlough Parish Church, every Saturday at 7pm

·                Christ Church Castlebar, every Sunday at 10am

·                Holy Trinity services are temporarily in St Mary’s, Sunday at 12 noon 

·                St Thomas's Dugort, Oct-March inclusive, on 2nd and 4th Sundays of  month, at 3pm.


·                Midweek Holy Communion, Wednesdays at 10.30am, kindly hosted by St Mary’s Church, Westport, followed by coffee in Clew Bay Hotel.


·                Drop-in to Christ Church Castlebar, Fridays from 11am – 1pm


·                Online Prayer and Bible Reading: Meetings on 12, 19 and 26 March will be at 8pm. Everyone is welcome. Link:  


        Meeting ID: 827 8190 0766                        Passcode: 747477


Next Westport Sunday Club: 9 March, starting in St Mary’s at 12 noon and moving next door to Carrowbeg House. For info please contact Steffi (+353 89 9418165) or Shirley (+353 87638 8503).


Easter Vestry Meetings 2025

(‘Annual Meeting of the General Vestry’)

·      Turlough     Tues 25 March, 7.30pm in the church

        Westport-Dugort Union  Mon 31 March, 7.00pm in St Mary’s Church 

·        Castlebar    Tues 8 April, 7.30pm in the church 

Note: Anyone is welcome to attend the Easter Vestry meeting and those who are registered members of the General Vestry are entitled to vote. 


Serving on a Select Vestry           

For all those considering serving or serving again on a Select Vestry (2025- 26), please read the following ahead of the forthcoming Easter Vestry Meetings. Thank you.


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