Updated Letter to the Aughaval Group of Parishes, with amended dates

Updated Letter to the Aughaval Group of Parishes: Westport-Dugort, Castlebar, Turlough 20 February 2025 Dear friends, I hope you are well and none-the-worse for Storm Éowyn . Here in the Aughaval group, all of our churches suffered some damage. The good news is that already two of the five functioning churches have had initial repairs carried out to rooves to protect against water ingress. Thank you to those wardens, parishioners and other friends from the communities in each location who have worked diligently to help us find the necessary help. Holy Trinity Westport suffered some interior damage, to the ceiling over the sanctuary, close to the tower door and pulpit, where some of the heavy decorated plaster came down. This, as you will most likely know, has necessitated the temporary closure of the church on the grounds of safety. The Select Vestry (‘SV’) is grateful to be able to take advice from professionals and specialists ...